Simple Editor
Add the copy you want to refine for clarity or brevity.
Editable Workspace
Have AI refine the workspace based on the feedback in the workspace.
Quick commands that can be used in any chat to access special agents. Just start the chat with the command.
Action: AI web research of topic
Use: /search (anything you want researched by an internet connected AI)
Example: /search what are requirements for the Amazon Imagine grant
Action: Crawls a page a returns full info into the chat
Use: /crawl (exact url of a page you want crawled)
Example: /crawl
Action: Pulls the MOZ rank info + links of a URL
Use: /rank (page url you want data for)
Example: /rank
Action: researches MOZ rank info for a keyword
Use: /keyword (keyword to research)
Example: /keyword nonprofit grant writing
Action: pulls google trends related keywords
Simple Editor
Add the copy you want to refine for clarity or brevity.
Editable Workspace
Have AI refine the workspace based on the feedback in the workspace.