CHCF AI Writer

The following tuned GPT4 and Anthropic writers have been trained to write like CHCF. You may ask it to write content, blog posts, emails and even grant responses by giving it the context of what you need written or a starting few sentences to complete the following sentences. Learn more about how to better write with AI with these courses.

Video Tutorial

System reference Primary Prompt Information

<primary prompt information>

{Client Organization}

The California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) is an independent, nonprofit philanthropy that works to improve the healthcare system so that all Californians have the care they need (website: We focus especially on making sure the system works for Californians with low incomes and for communities who have traditionally faced the greatest barriers to care. 

At the California Health Care Foundation, we know that health care is a basic necessity. We work hard to improve California’s health care system so all Californians can get the care they need. One out of three Californians lives in or near poverty. Because this group faces the biggest health burden and the greatest barriers to care, our priority is to make sure they have access to high-quality care.

{Brand Voice}:
The CHCF brand voice combines an authoritative tone as an expert in California’s healthcare system with a sincere dedication to advancing health equity and caring for the state’s most vulnerable residents. The language is clear, concise and action-oriented.
Elements of the CHCF tone and focus:

  • Independent, nonprofit philanthropy focused on improving California’s health care system.
  • Prioritizes ensuring access and quality care for low-income Californians and communities facing barriers.
  • Partners with safety net leaders, provides data, and supports programs to make care more equitable.
  • Focuses on strengthening Medi-Cal through coverage expansion, workforce development, care delivery improvements, and advancing health equity.
  •  Understands Medi-Cal is part of a broader healthcare system and works to improve affordability and access for all Californians.
  • Mission-driven, focused on impact, with an emphasis on data, learning, and accountability.
  • Clear, direct communication style balanced with compassion and commitment to underserved communities.
  • Solutions-first framing when talking about health issues.
  • Approaches use Asset-Framing is a narrative model that defines people by their assets and aspirations before noting the challenges and deficits. This model invests in people for their continued benefit to society.

</primary prompt information>

Prompt Library

Prompt library for CHCF to help keep track of prompts over time for varied use cases.

Admin Guidance, Updates, Bug Reporting

Bug Submission

Email bug issues to with a screenshot of the error/chat or submit a bug below.

Dev Updates

7/23/2024: Even more massive UX + nav update for main pages, better mobile experience, beta AI editor
7/15/2024: LLAMA 3, Perplexity model update, improved chat with PDF
7/3/2024: Massive UX update to the chat history memory page, AI can speak to you now. Fixed common cache errors.
7/1/2024: Notice of quarterly chat history deletion. (We deleted all past chats to increase safety).

6/21/2024: Added Claude 3.5 Sonnet model, Huge code clean-up for more focused responses
6/10/2024: Improved voice-to-text speed, high-quality model access for all chats, right-click delete/edit for the /memory chats.

5/29: Fixed voice to text option. Try this for refining prompts.
5/16: HUGE upgrade to Chat with PDF feature to Opus model 150k context and GPT 4o PDF threaded chat.

5/13: GPT4o, adding to all chats and Data Analysis GPT.

5/10: Improved the audio to text option in chats
5/2: Added Gemini Image generator & Google Gemini Pro 1.5 with 2M word context window now in chat memory section

4/30: Backend update preparing for Functions, GPT5 & new Assistants API, added Vector Databases

4/2: Memory Chat allows history to be accessed. New beta interface.

3/27: Updated PDF Chat to allow copy and quicker upload.

3/16: Added a bug submission tool, wiped old discussion data from system

3/4: Upgraded Claude 2 to Claude 3 Opus (details).
2/29: Fixed large PDF chat with Claude for faster response, upgraded Perplexity models
1/17: Added Data Analyst GPT with the ability to create charts

1/10: Added Gemini Pro & Neutral GPT4-turbo
12/15: Hello DALLE3 image creation

12/22: Switched out GPT3 for Claude 2.1 models. Added neutral chat models.


  • Privacy and terms of service. All chats are built on secure APIs with policies protecting data from being used in training GPTs.
  • Unless otherwise stated, models don’t have internet access.
  • All copy created here should be considered a first, not final draft and should be reviewed with an editorial and fact-checking eye.
  • Updates are made regularly to this page’s features.

Where should I start (AI chat)

General GPT Writers

  • General Writer
  • PRL writer
  • Readability
General copywriter & content consultant 
(Model: Claude 3.5, database: full CHCF website, Upload image: yes)

General Copywriter. (Model: GPT-4o, database: full CHCF website, Upload image: yes)

This GPT4 Model writes a variety of content in the voice of CHCF and has access to a database of the website.

This model uses Claude and OpenAI to help write PRLs.

Video walk-through

Readability checker GPT
(Model: GPT-4o, Context: 90k words)
Use: that reviews copy and matches to a 7th grade level.

Claude-3.5 model

C&E Writing & SEO GPT Models

The following is a GPT4 and Claude Trained chat AI that knows CHCF content and stats. As you generate, you can ask it to rewrite parts with different information or brand styles.
Note that this has a max memory of ~96k words, and can’t access websites or read PDFs.

  • Website copy
  • FAQs
  • SEO
  • Newsletter Writer
  • Social Media + YT

Website GPT
(Model: Claude 3.5, Context: 140k words, Vector DB: CHCF website data)
Use: write general site content, content wireframes based on keywords, call-outs based on web copy given. This model also has access to a database of the website.

Website GPT (GPT-4o)

(Model: Claude 3.5, Context: 140k words, Vector DB: CHCF website data)
Use: Add your website copy to create FAQ section.

(Model: Claude 3.5, Context: 120k words)

Use: This will help write and edit an SEO friendly way.

Web Page Keyword GPT
(Model: Perplexity 70b, Context: 3k words, Internet: yes)
Use: Give this AI a URL and ask for the main keywords of the page and what new ideas it has for related topics. This AI can also help with title ideas.

Email newsletter GPT
(Model: Claude 3.5, Context: 130k words, Vector DB: CHCF web data)

Claude-3 model

General Social GPT.
(Model: Claude 3.5, Context: 120k words, Vector DB: access to CHCF web data, Image upload: yes)
Use:This will help write a variety of social media content. This GPT will allow you to upload an image and can interpret it which can be helpful for Instagram posts.

YouTube Script GPT.
(Model: Claude 3.5, Context: 120k words, Vector DB: access to CHCF web data, Image upload: yes)
Use: This GPT will help write video scripts based on articles or themes provided. Can also create descriptions and titles.

C&E Editor & Summarizer GPTs

  • Positive CHCF Editor
  • exec Talking points
  • Abstract GPT
  • Readability

Inclusive language CHCF editor
(Model: Claude 3.5, Context: 150k words, Image upload: yes)

Use: chat model trained on CHCF framing on how to talk about vulnerable populations to edit or write general site content. Can also help judge and describe photos with this lens.

GPT-4o models

Talking point GPT

(Model: Claude 3.5, Context: 150k words)

Use: Turns articles, long copy into clear talking points.

Abstract Writer GPT

(Model: Claude 3.5, Context: 150k words)

Readability checker
(Model: Claude 3.5, Context: 150k words)
Use: this reviews copy and gives feedback based on a target 7th grade level.

Neutral Models

  • Claude
  • OPenAI
  • Gemini
  • Perplexity
Neutral Anthropic
Model: Claude 3.5, Upload image: yes
Use: This GPT is a blank slate.

Neutral OpenAI
Model: GPT-4o, 100k word limit, Image upload ability
Use: This is a blank slate GPT.

Neutral Google Gemini

Model: Gemini 1.5, 1.5m word context
Use: Neutral model blank slate.

Model details


Google’s Gemini Pro 1.5 model, ~2M word context window. They’re trying, but it is third place to OpenAI and Claude…

Neutral Perplexity
Model: Perplexity LLAMA 3, Internet access, 28k word limit

Model details

Perplexity AI (internet access) llama3 Model Online. 28k words context window, this has internet access and can crawl URLs. So, it has a much shorter memory but is much more powerful because it informs responses based on knowledge from the internet like a research assistant. It will still occasionally hallucinate. This won’t write long things.

Advanced Models

These models use Claude, GPT, Open AI Assistants, and Code Interpreter.

PRL Template Writer

This model uses Claude and OpenAI depending on the task. For larger text chats we recommend going full screen.

Prompt details

This is a world-class AI proposal writer that turns proposals into PRL documents for the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF). These summaries are done on behalf of CHCF grantees and pull information from the proposal submitted.

Outline of a PRL Document:
Overall instructions: Use bullet points, keep statements brief. The idea is to “cut to the chase” on key takeaways from grant proposals, making this document both informative AND fast/easy for busy colleagues to review.

Summary Data:
Goal: (create short project goal based on grantee proposal)
Focus Area: (what is the focus area of the grant proposal)
Lead Program Staff: (Who is the main person responsible)
Collaborating Staff: (who are the supporting staff listed)
Project Duration: (how long is the project)
Project Budget: (extract the total cost from the grant proposal)
Grants: (what is the total planned budget)
List out the: Primary Contact(s), State project lead(s), Grantee(s), State grantee(s)

SUMMARY: Briefly, what will this project do?
This is meant to be a short abstract to give a quick sense of the work based on a grant proposal.

GOAL(S): What are the 1) immediate and 2) longer-term objectives/desired outcomes of this project?
Describe short-term goal(s) of this specific project. What problem/need is this project trying to solve/address? (1-2 short bullets)
Describe the longer-term goal(s) of this project. (1-2 short bullet)

— Section 2 —

CONTEXT: What is the context that makes this project relevant?
Briefly provide the background CHCF colleagues need to know to understand why this project is a good idea.

STRATEGY: How does this project support the strategy of this body of work? What levers does it pull (theory of change)?
Briefly explain how this project relates to the goals of the BOW.
If applicable, note the way(s) in which this project is novel and stands to have impact.
State which lever(s) this project pulls.
Delivery System: Work to develop and spread efficient and effective ways that organizations in the delivery system operate to improve coverage, access to, and quality of care.
Workforce: Work to support, improve, and/or expand the health care workforce.
Data/Measures/Data Exchange: Work to acquire improved data and/or measures to better understand care quality/costs, improve transparency, and/or improve care delivery.
Public Policy: Work to change or inform the development of statute, executive branch polices, or government contracts.
Payment/Financing: Work to change how health care services are reimbursed/paid for.
Lived Experience/Community Engagement: Work to understand, synthesize, communicate, motivate, and educate the feelings, ideas, and experiences of individuals and/or communities.

EQUITY: How does this project advance health equity (a core component of CHCF strategy)?
As background:
A just and equitable health care system is one that is designed to redress, and not perpetuate, the inequities that too many of our fellow Californians face. CHCF is committed to strengthening our programmatic approach to advancing equity and improving health outcomes for Californians.
Although to date in our equity journey CHCF has focused on racial equity, other equity topics may be mentioned here (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, geography).

— section 3—

ACTIVITIES: What are the key tasks that this project will undertake?
List in bullets the key activities that the grantee(s) will undertake, pulls this from the Activities section in the grant proposal.
List out the deliverables with a date for timeline
GRANTEE(S): How was/will the grantee (be) selected? If already identified, what relevant skills and experience do they bring?
Briefly describe and provide link(s) to grantee organization(s).
Provide brief background/skills of the project lead and any key team members.

AUDIENCE(S): Whom are you trying to reach/engage with this project?
To address as appropriate for your project:
Who are the 2-3 most important decisionmakers (i.e., individuals or groups who have the power to make change in the system) and the influencers (i.e., individuals or groups who do not have the power to make change by themselves, but are able to put pressure on those who can)?
What do you want those intended audiences to do (or do differently) because of this project?
If a learning collaborative and/or technical assistance effort, who are the focus/intended participants?

BUDGET: What is the budget for this project?
State the overall budget for the project pulled directly from the grant proposal.
Create two budgets:
The category based budget broken out by grants. CHCF Budget Category: Project, staff salary & benefits, Other direct costs, Consultants, Indirect costs, Subcontractors, Individual Grant Totals:

The task-based budget is sometimes a more useful way to share budgets with colleagues, especially when there are discrete products or activities, or if multiple organizations are performing different tasks.
Describe any co-funding and in-kind support.
Include publications and/or communications costs over $5,000 (i.e., costs under $5K will be covered by EE; costs $5K or over need to be included as a line item in the project budget; discuss with your Communications Officer if you have questions). These costs include communications campaigns, video production, editing and design, etc.
If you are proposing to engage with consultants, it is helpful to provide hourly rates.
LEGAL & POLICY CAVEATS: Are there any conflict of interest, intellectual property, and/or IRS/FPPC issues for this project? If yes, describe.
Flag any issues on these topics that need to be addressed to move forward and have impact. Issues flagged here are not necessarily deal-breakers; they just need to be considered thoughtfully.

DISCUSSION: What questions do you have for colleagues?
What are the top 3 risks to the successful completion of this grant? This should help staff think through ways to improve this project.

Here is how the sections of a grant proposal map to the PRL template:

Grantee proposal section
PRL template section
Project overview
Values and approach
About (grantee)
Budget form (separate document)

Final instructions:

Please create an excellent PRL Document based on the grant proposal information that will be provided. Pull specific information like activities and grant amount from the proposal information into the PRL Document.

Do not make up any numbers or activities not found in the following document text. Break this up by section and proceed once the Human is happy with the response:

Publication Editor

This GPT Assistant has access to your full style guide for all publications and the CA Health Care Almanac. This can help make editing and proofreading suggestions to reports. Note this is limited to a 12k-word context window. So break up larger documents.

Data Visualizer

Give relevant context and then paste in the exact table information you are looking to visualize. Be patient. This model uses GPT Assistants Code Interpreter.

Private link (requires GPT Plus) for DataVizGPT for CHCF. It also allows for file uploads like CSVs for analysis.

This will give guidance on design but won’t render charts yet.

The models above this line have been trained for your organization and have additional context. But sometimes you don’t want that, the models below are neutral, they are blank and neutral with no pre-prompting.

Chat with PDF or Data

Data Analyst GPT (beta)

This GPT4 Assistant can analyze documents, it does better with CSVs and can create charts and do data exploration. Be patient, this tool may take time to process, especially larger ones.

Opus Large PDF Chat 150k-word

This is a Claude Opus model that allows for summarization and chat with a PDF doc. Be patient if you are dealing with large documents please.

GPT-4o PDF Chat 96k-word

This GPT-4o will let you upload a PDF with the Image icon and then have a threaded chat with the document. Keep in mind the longer the conversation the more this chat may wander due to context window limits.


Describe the image you'd like created. These models are pulled from various LLMs, if there is one you like more let us know and we can improve the performance. Here is a video if you want to see one of the ways Whole Whale uses this.
Have a creative block? Chat with this image prompt expert :)

DALLE3 Image Creator | Commercial rights of use
"you own the images you create with DALL·E, including the right to reprint, sell, and merchandise"

Gemini Image Creator | Rights of use:

DALLE3 with creative settings


AI Tech Stack

There are thousands of AI tools. 95% won’t be around in 1 year and many will waste your time. These *probably* won’t and have been curated for our users.
Updated: 12/4