Author: CauseWriter

  • SBI Feedback AI

    SBI Feedback AI

    SBI stands for Situation, Behavior, Impact and it is the best way to give someone feedback in our experience. This AI will help reframe your feedback in to this format. Add this helpful tool to your website with the following code:

  • Project 2025 Rebuttal GPT

    Project 2025 Rebuttal GPT

    Start by entering your nonprofit’s website or info to understand how Project 2025 may impact your work. You can also upload program documents to increase context for this strategist GPT. This tool is provided for free by using GPT-4o-mini. We can build smarter, stronger tools for our paying members. Add this GPT to your…

  • Mission Statement GPT

    Mission Statement GPT

    Enter details about your organization, goals, and audience to start brainstorming great mission statements. Add this AI tool to your website: A mission statement should be tangible, have a shorter lifespan (think 1-5 years), and evolve more frequently than vision statements. This is the fundamental purpose of the organization-defined goal that helps you to reach…

  • Conquering the First Draft Time Tribble in Non-Profits

    Conquering the First Draft Time Tribble in Non-Profits

    In the famous Star Trek episode “The Trouble with Tribbles,” the crew of the USS Enterprise encounters Tribbles, adorable but rapidly multiplying creatures that cause chaos aboard the ship. These seemingly harmless creatures quickly become a significant problem as they proliferate uncontrollably, disrupting the ship’s operations and creating a cascade of issues. The First Draft…

  • Ultimate Podcast GPT Helper

    Ultimate Podcast GPT Helper

    Podcast Interview Planner What is your podcast and who are you about to interview? Let this GPT know for help with some excellent questions and feedback. Podcast Title Maker Transcript Summarizer Enter your transcript to get a nice summary for your post. Podcast Social Post Maker Enter your transcript or summary to get a social…

  • DonationPage GPT Grader

    DonationPage GPT Grader

    Upload a screenshot of your donation page to get started. Example A detailed score out of 100 will be provided, broken down by each criterion. FundraiserGPT is here to provide expert guidance and actionable insights to help your non-profit create a compelling, user-friendly donation experience. Don’t hesitate to resubmit and seek further recommendations as you…

  • ZOOMBackgroundGPT: How good is your ZOOM  setup?

    ZOOMBackgroundGPT: How good is your ZOOM setup?

    ZOOM Background Coach ZoomBackgroundGPT is an AI assistant that helps you optimize your video conferencing setup for a professional and polished appearance during virtual meetings. How it Works: The goal of ZoomBackgroundGPT is to provide actionable advice that can help you create a polished and professional virtual presence, ensuring you make a great impression during…

  • PitchCoach GPT

    PitchCoach GPT

    Get feedback on your pitch and how to improve it. Hit the mic button and give this PitchCoachGPT your elevator pitch. This tool is sponsored by, a trusted network of nonprofit consultants for over 5 years. The key elements of a good nonprofit pitch include: By focusing on these key elements, you can create…

  • Youtube Script Scorecard

    Youtube Script Scorecard

    Before you invest in creating that next video, consider getting a scorecard across a range of factors that make a successful video. The YouTube score breakdown Title Score Hook (First 3 seconds) Introduction (First 10-15 seconds) Conflict Presentation (First 30 seconds) Stakes (20-30 seconds) Solution Promise (15-20 seconds) Content Delivery (3-5 minutes) “Aha Moment” and…

  • VolunteerWriterGPT (Mary Poppins Style)

    VolunteerWriterGPT (Mary Poppins Style)

    NonprofitVolunteerWriterGPT is a powerful AI tool designed to help nonprofits create compelling content for volunteer recruitment across digital platforms. To use this tool effectively, nonprofits should provide clear information about their cause, mission, and the specific volunteer opportunities available. The AI will then generate inspiring, empathetic, and action-oriented content that resonates with potential volunteers and…