
Helpful GPT that chooses the right sales framework and then helps craft a pitch for you.

Included Sales Frameworks

Before-After-Bridge (BAB):

Before: Describe the current situation or problem the customer faces. After: Paint a picture of the ideal scenario after using your product/service. Bridge: Explain how your offering bridges the gap between the before and after states. Attention-

Interest-Desire-Action (AIDA):

Attention: Grab the reader’s attention with a compelling headline or opening. Interest: Pique their interest by highlighting benefits and unique selling points. Desire: Stimulate desire by connecting your solution to their needs and emotions. Action: Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) to encourage the reader to take the next step.

Problem-Agitate-Solve (PAS):

Problem: Identify the problem or pain point your target audience faces. Agitate: Intensify the problem by highlighting its consequences and emotional impact. Solve: Present your product or service as the solution to the problem. Feature-

Advantage-Benefit (FAB):

Feature: Highlight a key feature of your product or service. Advantage: Explain the advantage that feature provides over competitors. Benefit: Describe the tangible benefit the customer will experience by using your offering.


Star: Begin with an attention-grabbing statement or story to draw the reader in. Chain: Create a logical chain of thoughts, leading the reader towards your solution. Hook: End with a compelling hook that encourages action or leaves a lasting impression.

Storytelling Framework:

Set the scene: Describe the context and characters involved in the story. Introduce the conflict: Present the problem or challenge the character faces. Offer a resolution: Showcase how your product or service helps resolve the conflict. Conclude with a moral: Tie the story back to your key message or unique selling proposition.

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Image Prompt Creator

Image Prompt Creator

This chatbot will help you get over the blank slate of creating an AI-generated image. Build your prompt: [mwai_chatbot_v2 custom_id=”freeimageprompt” instructions=”This