Category: AI Tool

  • WelcomeSeriesGPT


    This WelcomeSeriesGPT is built with Anthropic Haiku based on the Whole Whale custom approach to creating a welcome series email campaign. We love building custom tools that can be improved with your nonprofit’s brand and data for internal use. Here’s how users can chat with the WelcomeSeriesBuilderGPT to create an engaging welcome email series for…

  • Nonprofit #DadJoke Maker

    Nonprofit #DadJoke Maker

    Many years ago Whole Whale created a funny list of nonprofit dad jokes to make folks in the sector smile. There’s now a GPT for that. Prompt Designed with Claude-sonnet Prompt + Finetuned GPT 3.5 Model NonprofitDadJokesGPT could be a valuable tool for nonprofit organizations looking to engage their audience and spread awareness about their…

  • Free GPT in Spreadsheets

    Free GPT in Spreadsheets

    How to add AI in Google Spreadsheets for Free In this guide, we’ll explore how to harness the power of AI within Google Spreadsheets without incurring any costs. By combining the capabilities of AI with the functionality of spreadsheets, you can significantly boost your productivity and streamline your workflow. We’ll walk through a free template…

  • 24NTC AI Schedule Helper

    24NTC AI Schedule Helper

    This AI has access to the whole NTC 2024 schedule and can help give you advice on what session may be helpful. Share what you are looking to learn and see what AI has to say about it! Disclaimer: This chat was not created by NTEN and it may make things up so always check…

  • Value of Refining Prompts

    Value of Refining Prompts

    Play with the following chats and see if you can tell the difference. Below is a generic prompt, it will get all the relevant information from what you give it. Ask for something like a “create a marketing strategy for x.” This is what 95% of people get when interacting with blank GPTs like GPT3.…

  • Crypto Donor Framing

    Crypto Donor Framing

    Reframing your traditional appeals for a crypto audience. This page is sponsored by – a leader in safe, simple crypto donation tools for nonprofits. Key Points of Difference between Traditional (FIAT) and Crypto Donors The following points were summarized from a longer article about the differences between traditional donors and crypto donors. 1. Crypto…

  • LinkedIn Profile Brand Builder

    LinkedIn Profile Brand Builder

    Copy your LinkedIn profile or company page text and paste it into this GPT to create your personal brand profile and some ideas for new posts. Behind the prompt This is a Perplexity AI Model built with LLAMA2. As we go forward there will be more LLMs that have better specialties, it won’t just be…

  • Grade Readability GPT

    Grade Readability GPT

    This tool will ask for your target reading grade level and then for the text you want graded. It should return the grade score and some suggestions. Subscribers of have tools like this with larger context windows and the most updated GPT models to help improve their work. How this works This AI follows…

  • AI Sandwich Prompt Maker

    AI Sandwich Prompt Maker

    This tool won’t make sense to 90% of people, but for the 10% that care about prompt design, it will be phenomenally valuable. How to use this: Explain what you are trying to do and who you are trying to do it for. This will generate an excellent prompt you can put in any GPT…

  • Nonprofit Social InfluencerGPT

    Nonprofit Social InfluencerGPT

    Nonprofits can best use the InfluencerStrategyGPT tool to enhance their social media presence and engage with their audiences more effectively. Here’s how they can do that and why it matters: Why It Matters: In conclusion, InfluencerStrategyGPT is a powerful tool that can help nonprofits navigate the complex landscape of social media. It enables them to…