Copy Me (backup)

Our larger goal of working with you is to increase your AI capacity over time and build up a GPT that will learn from your data and allow you to train it through conversations. You will also be able to better trust that your data is protected by using verified API connections managed by


Testing Content Insertion to Patter block. (will this corrupt page)

Grant Proposal AI
Model: Claude 3.5, 120k word limit
Use: Share details about the grant, create an outline, then work through the questions. Quality will be much better if you work iteratively.

Online Grant Researcher

Online Grant Researcher GPT

Model: Perplexity AI, 25k word limit, internet accessible

Use: Share the grant or foundation you are researching for some additional details on ways to approach funding.

Where do I start? (talk to this GPT)

Primary Prompt Information

<BEGIN Primary Prompt Section>

</END Primary Prompt Section>

Guidance Updates

Bug Submission

Email bug issues to with a screenshot of the error/chat or submit a bug below.

Dev Updates

7/23/2024: Even more massive UX + nav update for main pages, better mobile experience, beta AI editor
7/15/2024: LLAMA 3, Perplexity model update, improved chat with PDF
7/3/2024: Massive UX update to the chat history memory page, AI can speak to you now. Fixed common cache errors.
7/1/2024: Notice of quarterly chat history deletion. (We deleted all past chats to increase safety).

6/21/2024: Added Claude 3.5 Sonnet model, Huge code clean-up for more focused responses
6/10/2024: Improved voice-to-text speed, high-quality model access for all chats, right-click delete/edit for the /memory chats.

5/29: Fixed voice to text option. Try this for refining prompts.
5/16: HUGE upgrade to Chat with PDF feature to Opus model 150k context and GPT 4o PDF threaded chat.

5/13: GPT4o, adding to all chats and Data Analysis GPT.

5/10: Improved the audio to text option in chats
5/2: Added Gemini Image generator & Google Gemini Pro 1.5 with 2M word context window now in chat memory section

4/30: Backend update preparing for Functions, GPT5 & new Assistants API, added Vector Databases

4/2: Memory Chat allows history to be accessed. New beta interface.

3/27: Updated PDF Chat to allow copy and quicker upload.

3/16: Added a bug submission tool, wiped old discussion data from system

3/4: Upgraded Claude 2 to Claude 3 Opus (details).
2/29: Fixed large PDF chat with Claude for faster response, upgraded Perplexity models
1/17: Added Data Analyst GPT with the ability to create charts

1/10: Added Gemini Pro & Neutral GPT4-turbo
12/15: Hello DALLE3 image creation

12/22: Switched out GPT3 for Claude 2.1 models. Added neutral chat models.


  • Privacy and terms of service. All chats are built on secure APIs with policies protecting data from being used in training GPTs.
  • Unless otherwise stated, models don’t have internet access.
  • All copy created here should be considered a first, not final draft and should be reviewed with an editorial and fact-checking eye.
  • Updates are made regularly to this page’s features.

Creative Writers

These are 96k-word GPT4 Turbo model and Claude models.

  • Build a Persona
  • Video Script
  • Social media
  • Pixar Story
  • Writer Unblock
  • Ad Concepts

Build a donor persona then chat with it to create or revise appeals.

Claude Model

This GPT can help turn articles into video scripts. You can use tools like to then narrate this script.

Claude model

Social media creator, this GPT can also interpret images uploaded.

Claude model

Writes in the style of Pixar story spine.

Claude model

Let this AI know where you are in the process and go from there.

Claude model

This GPT4 and Claude model will help write ad slogans, CTAs, and concepts.

Claude model

General Writers

These GPT4 turbo and Claude models that should write like your organization. These models have a 96k-word limit.

  • SEO Helper
  • LinkedIn Analyzer

SEO support to come up with keywords, create titles, review content with an SEO eye and create FAQs based on content. FAQ content can be great to add to the bottom of certain pages to increase discoverability.

Web-accessible AI (Perplexity ai)
This model has access to most websites (though many news sites are blocked). You can use it to evaluate your website pages and come up with ideas. This model has a 3k word context window so don’t expect too much.

Build a brand summary from a LinkedIn profile URL. Paste a URL and explain if you want social post ideas, pitch emails or other creative. This Perplexity AI model has access to the internet but it has a smaller 3k word context window.

Advanced Models

  • SEO Helper
  • LinkedIn Analyzer

SEO support to come up with keywords, create titles, review content with an SEO eye and create FAQs based on content. FAQ content can be great to add to the bottom of certain pages to increase discoverability.

Web-accessible AI (Perplexity ai)
This model has access to most websites (though many news sites are blocked). You can use it to evaluate your website pages and come up with ideas. This model has a 3k word context window so don’t expect too much.

Build a brand summary from a LinkedIn profile URL. Paste a URL and explain if you want social post ideas, pitch emails or other creative. This Perplexity AI model has access to the internet but it has a smaller 3k word context window.